------- Comment #142 from rguenther at suse dot de  2007-05-23 21:14 -------
Subject: Re:  [4.0/4.1/4.2/4.3 Regression] placement
 new does not change the dynamic type as it should

On Wed, 23 May 2007, mark at codesourcery dot com wrote:

> ------- Comment #140 from mark at codesourcery dot com  2007-05-23 21:07 
> -------
> Subject: Re:  [4.0/4.1/4.2/4.3 Regression] placement
>  new does not change the dynamic type as it should
> rguenth at gcc dot gnu dot org wrote:
> > <quote>
> > Gaby's claim is that given an arbitrary
> > pointer "p", saying:
> > 
> >  (int *)p = 3;
> > 
> > is the same as saying:
> > 
> >  *(new (p) int) = 3;
> > 
> > That makes life for the optimizers much, much harder.
> > </quote>
> > 
> > I say so as well (that those are the same), but I don't agree that this
> > makes life for optimizers much harder.
> Placement new is rare; assignments to pointers are everywhere.
> Note that the first case does not need to use an explicit cast.  In a
> function:
>   void f(int *p) {
>     *p = 3;
>   }
> under Gaby's interpretation, we cannot be sure that "p" points to an
> "int" before this function, so we can't be sure the write to "*p"
> doesn't clobber memory of other types.  TBAA is one of the few ways to
> disambiguate pointers in the absence of whole-program optimization, and
> this model really undermines TBAA.

In C inside the function f we can indeed be sure *p points to an "int".
Now what matters is, that even in C for

double g(int *p, double *d)
  return *d;

we cannot be sure (in absence of whole-program optimization or the
body of f available) that the call to f does not clobber *d through
the value of the pointer p.  As it can look like

void f(int *p)
  double *d = p;
  *d = 1.0;

> Frankly, I'm surprised that you are taking this position.  This is a
> change to the compiler that can only hurt high-performance C++
> applications, which is an area I know you care about.  I know that
> you're unhappy about how Ian's patches might hurt programs that use
> placement-new in an inner loop, but this model will impose the same
> penalties on programs that write to pointers in an inner loop.

No it won't.  Or at least - I belive so - unless I see a patch that
manages to implement placement new with the same minor restrictions.

If you discount scheduling on in-order machines, what would be an
optimization that can be no longer done with Gabys and my scheme?
I believe there are none.  Also other compilers manage to not
miscompile in the face of placement new but still optimize loops
with them.




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