------- Comment #10 from elizabeth dot l dot yip at boeing dot com  2007-05-15 
07:48 -------
The following code exposes the problem relating to conjg(transpose(.)), with
which gfortran returns the wrong answer.  If we break conjg(transpose(.)) into
two lines, then we can get the right answer.

Is this related to bugs 31196, 31197 and 31258?  Should I resubmit this as a
new bug?

I have tried versions 4.1, 4.2 and the latest 4.3 (05-14-07). I could'nt find a
version that works.

Elizabeth Yip

program main
  implicit none
  complex (kind=4),dimension(2,2)::a,b,c
  a(1,1) = (1.,1.)
  a(2,1) = (2.,2.)
  a(1,2) = (3.,3.)
  a(2,2) = (4.,4.) 
  print *,"original",a
  print *,"H(a)-wrong",b
  print *,"H(a)-right",c
END program main


elizabeth dot l dot yip at boeing dot com changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |elizabeth dot l dot yip at
                   |                            |boeing dot com


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