------- Comment #2 from tkoenig at gcc dot gnu dot org 2007-03-27 20:04 ------- This is the same behavor that g77 had. Also, reading back what we have written works for both gfortran and g77:
$ cat tst.f PROGRAM MAIN character*1 c OPEN (76, FILE="test.txt",ACCESS="DIRECT",STATUS="NEW",RECL=10) WRITE(76, REC=1) "1" read (76, REC=1) c print *,c END $ g77 tst.f $ ./a.out 1 $ rm -f test.txt $ gfortran tst.f $ ./a.out 1 Offhand, I don't think this is wrong. The Fortran standard talks about records, not about bytes in a file. -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=31366