------- Comment #1 from pault at gcc dot gnu dot org  2007-03-27 10:21 -------
This will be submitted this afternoon - Paul

Index: gcc/fortran/decl.c
*** gcc/fortran/decl.c  (revision 123183)
--- gcc/fortran/decl.c  (working copy)
*************** gfc_match_modproc (void)
*** 4241,4246 ****
--- 4241,4247 ----
    char name[GFC_MAX_SYMBOL_LEN + 1];
    gfc_symbol *sym;
    match m;
+   gfc_namespace *module_ns;

    if (gfc_state_stack->state != COMP_INTERFACE
        || gfc_state_stack->previous == NULL
*************** gfc_match_modproc (void)
*** 4251,4256 ****
--- 4252,4265 ----
        return MATCH_ERROR;

+   module_ns = gfc_current_ns->parent;
+   for (; module_ns; module_ns = module_ns->parent)
+     if (module_ns->proc_name->attr.flavor == FL_MODULE)
+       break;
+   if (module_ns == NULL)
+     return MATCH_ERROR;
    for (;;)
        m = gfc_match_name (name);
*************** gfc_match_modproc (void)
*** 4259,4265 ****
        if (m != MATCH_YES)
        return MATCH_ERROR;

!       if (gfc_get_symbol (name, gfc_current_ns->parent, &sym))
        return MATCH_ERROR;

        if (sym->attr.proc != PROC_MODULE
--- 4268,4274 ----
        if (m != MATCH_YES)
        return MATCH_ERROR;

!       if (gfc_get_symbol (name, module_ns, &sym))
        return MATCH_ERROR;

        if (sym->attr.proc != PROC_MODULE
Index: gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/contained_module_proc_1.f90
*** gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/contained_module_proc_1.f90       (revision 0)
--- gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/contained_module_proc_1.f90       (revision 0)
*** 0 ****
--- 1,40 ----
+ ! { dg-do run }
+ ! Tests the check for PR31292, in which the module procedure
+ ! statement would put the symbol for assign_t in the wrong
+ ! namespace and this caused the interface checking to fail.
+ !
+ ! Contributed by Tobias Burnus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+ !
+ module chk_gfortran
+    implicit none
+    type t
+       integer x
+    end type t
+    contains
+       function is_gfortran()
+          logical is_gfortran
+          interface assignment(=)
+             module procedure assign_t
+          end interface assignment(=)
+          type(t) y(3)
+          y%x = (/1,2,3/)
+          y = y((/2,3,1/))
+          is_gfortran = y(3)%x == 1
+       end function is_gfortran
+       elemental subroutine assign_t(lhs,rhs)
+          type(t), intent(in) :: rhs
+          type(t), intent(out) :: lhs
+          lhs%x = rhs%x
+       end subroutine assign_t
+ end module chk_gfortran
+ program fire
+    use chk_gfortran
+    implicit none
+    if(.not. is_gfortran()) call abort()
+ end program fire
+ ! { dg-final { cleanup-modules "chk_gfortran" } }


pault at gcc dot gnu dot org changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         AssignedTo|unassigned at gcc dot gnu   |pault at gcc dot gnu dot org
                   |dot org                     |
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |ASSIGNED
     Ever Confirmed|0                           |1
   Last reconfirmed|0000-00-00 00:00:00         |2007-03-27 10:21:29
               date|                            |


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