------- Comment #4 from pault at gcc dot gnu dot org  2007-03-26 07:19 -------
(In reply to comment #3)

> I haven't seen anything in the Fortran 2003 standard forcing the subroutines 
> to
> be in the contains statement.

In this case the interface is said to be implicit and the standard does not
require the programme to do the right thing. Use an INTERFACE, as below, or put
the subroutine in a module.  In either case the interface will be made

> But even if it is the case, the compiler should report an error. 

This is not a requirement of the standard but is a long standing regression,
relative to g77.

Confirmed and marked as "diagnostic"

Nous t'en remercions



      program test

        subroutine test1(x,y)

        real(kind=8), dimension(:) :: x
        real(kind=8), dimension(:,:) :: y

        end subroutine
      end interface

      real(kind=8), dimension(5) :: test_array
      real(kind=8), dimension(5,5) :: test_array2

      real(kind=8) :: taille

      write(6,*) 'size=', size(test_array)
      write(6,*) 'size=', size(test_array2)
      write(6,*) 'ubound=', ubound(test_array)
      write(6,*) 'ubound=', ubound(test_array2)

      call test1(test_array, test_array2)

      end program



pault at gcc dot gnu dot org changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |NEW
     Ever Confirmed|0                           |1
           Keywords|                            |diagnostic
      Known to fail|4.1.2                       |4.3.0 4.2.0
   Last reconfirmed|0000-00-00 00:00:00         |2007-03-26 07:19:26
               date|                            |


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