------- Comment #14 from rwgk at yahoo dot com  2007-02-26 03:37 -------
> Yes.
> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2006-12/msg00817.html
> It also fixed vect-101 testcase, in addition to 464.h264ref from spec2006.
> It initially caused a failure in 403.gcc, but this was later found to
> be a latent bug elsewhere.


> I imagine yours is the same thing (a latent bug elsewhere).

I was thinking the same thing.

> If you want to try pointing out why you think what the patch does is
> incorrect, i'm happy to work through it with you.

I'm just a user sounding an alarm bell. Your "latent bug somewhere
else" idea makes total sense to me.

I'm a little frustrated that all my efforts haven't even lead to
confirming the bug, and I'm afraid that it gets swept under the rug
and my time was wasted. If you could at least confirm the bug
I'd be motivated to strip down my reproducer some more if that
could help resolving this problem.



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