In this, the expression a>0 is evaluated twice,
both in the *.original and the *.optimized dump:

function average(a, n)
  real :: average
  real :: a(n)
  average = sum(a, a>0)/count(a>0)
end function average

$ cat average.f90.003t.original
average (a, n)
  int4 ubound.0;
  int4 size.1;
  real4 __result_average;
  int4 D.1012;
  bit_size_type D.1013;
  <unnamed type> D.1014;

  ubound.0 = *n;
  size.1 = NON_LVALUE_EXPR <ubound.0>;
  size.1 = size.1 >= 0 ? size.1 : 0;
  D.1012 = size.1 - 1;
  D.1013 = (bit_size_type) (<unnamed type>) size.1 * 32;
  D.1014 = (<unnamed type>) size.1 * 4;
    int4 D.1008;
    int4 count.4;
    int4 D.1004;
    int4 D.1003;
    real4 val.2;

    val.2 = 0.0;
    D.1003 = ubound.0;
    D.1004 = ubound.0;
      int4 S.3;

      S.3 = 1;
      while (1)
          if (S.3 > ubound.0) goto L.1;
          if ((*a)[S.3 + -1] > 0.0)
              val.2 = val.2 + (*a)[S.3 + -1];
          S.3 = S.3 + 1;
    count.4 = 0;
    D.1008 = ubound.0;
      int4 S.5;

      S.5 = 1;
      while (1)
          if (S.5 > ubound.0) goto L.2;
          if ((*a)[S.5 + -1] > 0.0)
              count.4 = count.4 + 1;
          S.5 = S.5 + 1;
    __result_average = val.2 / (real4) count.4;
  return __result_average;

$ cat average.f90.113t.optimized

;; Function average (average_)

Analyzing Edge Insertions.
average (a, n)
  <unnamed type> ivtmp.49;
  <unnamed type> ivtmp.44;
  real4 prephitmp.36;
  real4 val.2;
  int4 count.4;
  int4 size.1;
  real4 D.1020;

<bb 2>:
  size.1 = *n;
  if (size.1 <= 0) goto <L39>; else goto <L37>;

  val.2 = 0.0;
  prephitmp.36 = 0.0;
  goto <bb 10> (L.2);

  val.2 = 0.0;
  ivtmp.49 = 1;

  D.1020 = MEM[base: a, index: (<unnamed type>) ivtmp.49, step: 4, offset:
  if (D.1020 > 0.0) goto <L5>; else goto <L6>;

  val.2 = val.2 + D.1020;

  ivtmp.49 = ivtmp.49 + 1;
  if (size.1 < (int4) ivtmp.49) goto <L38>; else goto <L4>;

  count.4 = 0;
  ivtmp.44 = 1;

  if (MEM[base: a, index: (<unnamed type>) ivtmp.44, step: 4, offset:
0x0fffffffc] > 0.0) goto <L10>; else goto <L11>;

  count.4 = count.4 + 1;

  ivtmp.44 = ivtmp.44 + 1;
  if (size.1 < (int4) ivtmp.44) goto <L30>; else goto <L9>;

  prephitmp.36 = (real4) count.4;

  return val.2 / prephitmp.36;


           Summary: Calculating masks twice
           Product: gcc
           Version: 4.3.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Keywords: missed-optimization
          Severity: enhancement
          Priority: P3
         Component: fortran
        AssignedTo: unassigned at gcc dot gnu dot org
        ReportedBy: tkoenig at gcc dot gnu dot org

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