------- Comment #48 from felix-gcc at fefe dot de  2007-01-22 19:50 -------
Oh wow, another wise cracking newbie who comments without actually
understanding the issue.  I AM NOT RELYING ON UNDEFINED BEHAVIOR.  On the
contrary.  gcc is fine to assign 23 instead of a negative number.  But if it
does assign a negative number (as it does), I want "if (a<0)" to trigger.  That
part is not undefined.

But never mind the security issue here, which is apparently too complicated for
you guys to understand.  This optimization actually makes code SLOWER.  AND it
makes people mad when they find out about it.

So, uh, which part of that don't you understand?

There is an optimization that makes the code slower, not faster.  Turn it off


felix-gcc at fefe dot de changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|RESOLVED                    |UNCONFIRMED
         Resolution|WONTFIX                     |


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