------- Comment #3 from fxcoudert at gcc dot gnu dot org  2007-01-22 10:16 
Slightly reduced testcase below. It's all about allocatable components and
intent(out). Remove one or the other, and it's gone. Adding Erik Edeelman and
Paul Thomas (although he does not have time now) to the CC list.

$ cat a.f90
module foo_type_mod
  type foo_type
     integer, allocatable :: md(:)
  end type foo_type
end module foo_type_mod

module foo_mod

    subroutine foo_initvg(foo_a)
      use foo_type_mod
      Type(foo_type), intent(out) :: foo_a
    end subroutine foo_initvg
  end interface


  subroutine foo_ext(foo_a)
    use foo_type_mod
    Type(foo_type) :: foo_a

    call foo_initvg(foo_a)
  end subroutine foo_ext

end module foo_mod
$ gfortran a.f90 -c
a.f90: In function ‘foo_ext’:
a.f90:18: internal compiler error: in fold_convert, at fold-const.c:2154


fxcoudert at gcc dot gnu dot org changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |NEW
     Ever Confirmed|0                           |1
   Last reconfirmed|0000-00-00 00:00:00         |2007-01-22 10:16:38
               date|                            |
            Summary|ICE  in fold_convert        |allocatable component and
                   |                            |intent(out) yield ICE in
                   |                            |fold_convert


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