Hello to everyone, I found an Error with gcc-4.1.1 and binutils-2.17 when using it for crosscompiling source for Renesas R8C Microcontroller. (m32c-elf)
In the file r8c.ld you can find this line: RESETVEC (r) : ORIGIN = 0xfffc, LENGTH = 4 But this is wrong. The Resetvektor for R8C is only 16Bit and not 32bit. When you write 32Bit value to 0xfffc it writes a 0x00 in Adress 0xffff, but this is the Register OFS. After this the watchdog is switched on and the controller is only working for short time. If you try this, please understand that it is not enought to reset the controller by the reset button on your testboard. Only after power-off->power-on the controller use the new OFS byte. Olaf p.s: I am not subscribed to this list. For question please email me.