------- Comment #1 from kargl at gcc dot gnu dot org 2007-01-11 17:00 ------- The relevant section of the F2003 standard is It appears that in list-directed input that if we advance to a newline during the read and the first item hit is a / when get it wrong. Here a test program.
program t integer a, b, c, d ! This works as expected open(unit=10, file='tmp.dat') write(10,*) '1 2 3 / 4' rewind(10) a = -1; b = -1; c = -1; d = -1; read(10,*) a,b,c,d print *, a,b,c,d ! This works as expected rewind(10) write(10,*) '1 2 3 /' rewind(10) a = -2; b = -2; c = -2; d = -2; read(10,*) a,b,c,d print *, a,b,c,d ! This works as expected. rewind(10) write(10,*) '1 2' write(10,*) '3 /' rewind(10) a = -3; b = -3; c = -3; d = -3; read(10,*) a,b,c,d print *, a,b,c,d ! This fails as reported. rewind(10) write(10,*) '1 2 3' write(10,*) '/' rewind(10) a = -4; b = -4; c = -4; d = -4; read(10,*) a,b,c,d print *, a,b,c,d close(unit=10, status='delete') end program t -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=30435