------- Comment #6 from burnus at gcc dot gnu dot org  2006-12-13 07:46 -------
>  "&test", &
>  "ihp(1,1) = 2*1", &
>  "ihp(1,2) = 2", &
>  "/"

>  READ (UNIT=22, NML=test)

I think the result is *not* well defined:
  ihp(1,1) = 2*1
does make sense - one cannot assign 2 values to ihp(1,1). I think what meant
  ihp(1:2,1) = 2*1

I think therefore the result is implementation dependent and the error
"Fortran runtime error: Repeat count too large for namelist object ihp"
is correct, though not necessarily the best choice.

NAG f95 for instance writes: 1 * 2 *
whereas ifort/g95/gfortran/sunf95:  1 1 2 *
(* = uninitialized value; some compiler preinitialize them with zero.)

>  I have not ported these to 4.1 I suspect.

Using "4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)"
I get the same result as with gfortran 4.3, I think therefore that the patch
has already been backported.



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