------- Comment #18 from paulthomas2 at wanadoo dot fr  2006-12-03 17:42 -------
Subject: Re:  [meta-bugs] ICEs with CP2K

> The patch looks good -- and the test cases as well.
> Just for completeness, the relevant part of the standard is:
> "C1209 (R1206) A procedure-name shall not specify a procedure that is 
> specified
> previously in any procedure-stmt in any accessible interface with the same
> generic identifier."
Thanks - I realised that there must be something like this because the 
CP2K usage was accepted by other compilers and that it is logical that  
it should be so.
> Note that this does not fix everything as gfortran rejects also 
> interface_y.f90
> if I comment the "call bl_copy(1.0, chr)"; if I understand the standard
> correctly, the ambiguity is ok as long as one does not try to access bl_copy.
> (And ifort/NAG f95 and sunf95 agree with me.)
This is equally understandable.  It SHOULD be easy to put this bit right.
> Something which puzzles me is also the error message; one gets *twice*:
> interface_y.f90:39.58:
>   USE f77_blas_extra ! { dg-error "Ambiguous|interfaces" }
>                                                          1
....hence the form of the dg-error above; I was less interested to put 
this right than to have it accepting the correct code.  This is not 
unusual in such errors.  Sometimes...., sometimes I succeed in finding 
out why!





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