------- Comment #17 from acahalan at gmail dot com  2006-11-24 00:11 -------
(In reply to comment #13)

> The question I asked is "why doesn't this happen for 'const'"?  That  
> turned out to be a good question, because it leads to the better  
> question of "what debugging output did you expect for this code,  
> anyway"?
> It seems to me that __noalias__ is an interesting attribute that  
> should be somehow reflected in the DWARF.  That would require a GNU  
> extension, of course.

Rather than comparing this with "const", compare it with "restrict".
This deserves representation in DWARF if and only if restrict deserves it.
(and that I can't answer, but my gut feeling is that such representation
should be only for things that C++ would put into name mangling)



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