------- Comment #3 from jpvial at nerim dot net 2006-11-14 11:10 ------- Subject: Re: wrong directory in makefile for ada and libada when building the src directory
bonzini at gnu dot org wrote: > ------- Comment #2 from bonzini at gnu dot org 2006-11-14 08:26 ------- > it is supported, it is just buggy. Jean-Pierre, it seems like you have > something like a patch. Can you expand your idea more? > > I think that the bug is in the configure script, not in the compiler itself. My solution cannot be called a patch, just a dirty workaround: 1: ada compiler for each stage of the bootstrap procedure, when the Makefile halts on the error, /home/jp/src/bug42/gcc-4.2-20061107/prev-gcc/gnatbind -C -I- -I. -Iada -I../.././gcc/ada -o ada/b_gnatb.c ada/gnatbind.ali make[3]: /home/jp/src/bug42/gcc-4.2-20061107/prev-gcc/gnatbind : commande introuvable (this is the french for <<command not found>> or something similar) I change to the relevant directory my-own-tree/gcc-4.2-20061107/host-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/gcc I change the PATH to my-own-tree/gcc-4.2-20061107/host-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/prev-gcc:$PATH I launch make in the directory, and wait for make (which is actually a sub-make) to finish. then I go back to the main directory my-own-tree/gcc-4.2-20061107 I restore the normal PATH and restart the main <<make>> for the next bootstrap stage, if any. This process is repeated for each stage. 2 libada : much simpler, and cleaner The Makefile for libada has a line: GCC_DIR=../../$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc but HOST_SUBDIR is nowhere defined, so GCC_DIR take the wrong value ../..//gcc I add, before the offending line HOST_SUBDIR=host-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu and libada is built without further difficulty By the way, after the first answer to my bug report, I tried building in another directory; I had different bugs (of similar nature) for the compiler, and exactly the same problem for libada; finally it did not work better. I did not investigate further for this case. -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=29802