------- Comment #16 from kreckel at ginac dot de 2006-10-31 11:48 ------- A quote from <http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/ieee754status/IEEE754.PDF>:
"While on the subject of miscreant compilers, we should remark their increasingly common tendency to reorder operations that can be executed concurrently by pipelined computers. C programmers may declare a variable volatile to inhibit certain reorderings. A programmer's intention is thwarted when an alleged 'optimization' moves a floating-point instruction past a procedure-call intended to deal with a flag in the floating-point status word or to write into the control word to alter trapping or rounding. Bad moves like these have been made even by compilers that come supplied with such procedures in their libraries. (See _control87 , _clear87 and _status87 in compilers for Intel processors.) Operationsâ movements would be easier to debug if they were highlighted by the compiler in its annotated re-listing of the source-code. Meanwhile, so long as compilers mishandle attempts to cope with floating-point exceptions, flags and modes in the ways intended by IEEE Standard 754, frustrated programmers will abandon such attempts and compiler writers will infer wrongly that unexercised capabilities are unexercised for lack of demand." -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=29186