------- Comment #7 from sgk at troutmask dot apl dot washington dot edu  
2006-10-29 20:02 -------
Subject: Re:  ICE in gfc_assign_data_value_range

> Should we simply avoid the ice, perhaps accepting the invalid code or do we
> want to search for duplicates in the DATA statements and generate an error?
> Also,
> Is this valid?:
> real :: a(5,5)
> DATA a(1,1), a(3,1), a(1,2), a(3,3) /2*1.0, 2*2.0/
> DATA a(2,1) /2.5/
> In other words, no overlap in the DATA statements.  It is a big difference if
> we have to search element by element.  I suspect this is why this is not a
> constraint on the compiler, but is a restriction on the programmer, so to
> speak.

NAG compiles the following code:

  real :: a(5,5)
  DATA a(1,1), a(3,1), a(1,2), a(3,3) /2*1.0, 2*2.0/
  DATA a(2,1) /2.5/
  print *, a(1,1), a(3,1), a(1,2), a(3,3), a(2,1)
  end program

and gives the expected output.  If a(2,1) is changed to a(3,3),
then NAG generates

laptop:kargl[209] f95 -o z t.f90
Error: t.f90, line 3: Element no. 13 of object A already initialised
Errors in declarations, no further processing for $main$
[f95 error termination]



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