------- Comment #13 from bangerth at dealii dot org  2006-10-10 15:18 -------
(In reply to comment #12)
> In comment #9: shouldn't be too hard.
> In comment #11: No, it will actually take significant time

It's a long and boring process. It's not complicated, it just takes time.

> If the explanation for the above discrepancy is simply not having access to a
> FreeBSD machine, such an access can be arranged in an hour or so.

No, you don't understand. I have no intention of doing this. I believe my time
is better spent working on bugs that haven't been fixed on any current
release branch yet. I have no interest in working on things that have been
sorted out long ago. If you really want to see this fixed, you will have to
find a volunteer who is willing to spend the necessary time and who has
access to the relevant machines. That's just not me, sorry.




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