------- Comment #4 from sabre at nondot dot org  2006-08-03 19:21 -------
>the people actively working in the C++ Standard Commitee strongly dislike
>vector<bool> for many reasons, and probably it will be deprecated in C++03 and 
> replacement added. That implies, in turn, that it's not so easy to find 
> people willing to spend much time on (the various) implementations...

Fair enough.  My impression was  that this was because std::vector<bool> is
"not a container" and that the specialization doesn't act like the parent
container.  My (possibly flawed) understanding was that they were planning on
eliminating vector<bool> but were planning to introduce the same capability
under a new name, e.g. bit_vector or something like it.  If  that's the case,
the effort isn't lost.




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