------- Comment #3 from paul dot richard dot thomas at cea dot fr  2006-06-30 
12:40 -------
Created an attachment (id=11784)
 --> (http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/attachment.cgi?id=11784&action=view)
The beginnings of a fix for the PR

Thee attached is simple, only gives warnings but is way too verbose, as the
following demonstrates:

program test
  character(10) :: a(3)
  character(10) :: b(3)= (/ 'Takata ', 'Tanaka', 'Hayashi' /)
  character(4) :: c = "abcde"
  a =  (/ 'Takata', 'Tanaka ', 'Hayashi' /)
  a =  (/ 'Takata ', 'Tanaka ', 'Hayashi' /)
  b = "abc"
  c = "abcdefg"
end program test

More work needed!




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