------- Comment #5 from wilson at specifix dot com  2006-06-09 00:17 -------
Subject: Re:  Problem: gcc 4.0.3 on Unix_SV

mirko dot bruzzone at primeur dot com wrote:
> gt-c-pragma.h:46: parse error before `__attribute__'

gt-c-pragma.h uses attribute unused in a parameter list, before the 
parameter type.  Like so:
   void sub (__attribute__ ((unused)) int i) { }
This is a syntax that gcc-2.7.2 doesn't support.  It was added later. 
You could try hacking this out, but it might be simpler to try baby 
steps.  Use 2.7.2 to compile gcc-2.95.3, use 2.95.3 to compile 
gcc-3.3.4, use 3.3.4 to compile gcc-4.x.

I see that 2.95.3 supports this syntax, so it might be able to compile 
gcc-4.x, but there may also be other problems, so going from 2.95.e to a 
3.x release, and then to a 4.x release is more likely to work.

We could probably fix this with some ifdefs, but gcc-2.7.2 is so old 
that it doesn't seem worth the hassle.  Plus there are probably other 
issues that haven't been noticed yet.



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