------- Comment #14 from sgk at troutmask dot apl dot washington dot edu  
2006-05-05 17:09 -------
Subject: Re:  gfortran: intrinsics and std=f95, inconsistency with other

On Fri, May 05, 2006 at 07:09:37AM -0000, anlauf at gmx dot de wrote:
> Any chance that "-std=f95 -Wall -fall-intrinsics" could do the same,
> maybe (*cough*) without (*cough*) a warning, needless to say an error?
> If I want a warning even with -fall-intrinsics, I would turn it on
> again with -Wnonstd-intrinsics.

How does this look to you?

% gfc4x -o z -std=f95 iargc.f90
/home/sgk/tmp/ccSftiWA.o(.text+0x55): In function `MAIN__':
: undefined reference to `iargc_'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
% gfc4x -o z -std=f95 -fall-intrinsics iargc.f90
% gfc4x -o z -std=f95 -fall-intrinsics -Wall iargc.f90
% gfc4x -o z -std=f95 -fall-intrinsics -Wnonstd-intrinsics iargc.f90
% gfc4x -o z -std=f95 -fall-intrinsics -Wno-nonstd-intrinsics iargc.f90
% gfc4x -o z -pedantic -Wno-nonstd-intrinsics iargc.f90
% gfc4x -o z -pedantic -Wnonstd-intrinsics iargc.f90
 In file iargc.f90:5

   print *, iargc()
Warning: Intrinsic 'iargc' at (1) is not included in the selected standard
% gfc4x -o z -pedantic -Wall iargc.f90
 In file iargc.f90:5

   print *, iargc()
Warning: Intrinsic 'iargc' at (1) is not included in the selected standard



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