183 yampa /king/staff/raman/ gcc bad.c 184 yampa /king/staff/raman/ a.out 4 4 byte ( 0 < -439 ) 4 4 byte 185 yampa /king/staff/raman/ cat bad.c #include<stdio.h> /* standard I/O functions etc., also stdin, stdout, stderr */ main(argc,argv,envp) { int I=-439; size_t ist=0; if (ist < I) printf("%d %d byte ( %d < %d ) %d %d byte\n", sizeof(size_t), sizeof(ist), ist, I, sizeof(int), sizeof(I)); }
This was tried with 3 versions 3.3 to 4. on 2 computers. Same error. Comparing if ((int)ist < I) eliminates the wrongful print. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com