------- Comment #9 from dir at lanl dot gov 2006-03-03 14:51 ------- That got the one in comment #7. Here is the next one - [dranta:~/tests/gfortran-D] dir% g77 -o write29 write29.f [dranta:~/tests/gfortran-D] dir% write29 [dranta:~/tests/gfortran-D] dir% gfortran -o write29 write29.f [dranta:~/tests/gfortran-D] dir% write29 Abort [dranta:~/tests/gfortran-D] dir% cat write29.f program test dimension idata(1011) open(unit=11,form='unformatted') idata(1) = -705 idata( 1011) = -706 write(11)idata idata(1) = -706 idata( 1011) = -707 write(11)idata idata(1) = -707 idata( 1011) = -708 write(11)idata read(11,end= 1000 )idata call abort() 1000 continue rewind 11 read(11,end= 1001 )idata if(idata(1).ne. -705.or.idata( 1011).ne. -706)call abort() 1001 continue close(11,status='keep') open(unit=11,form='unformatted') rewind 11 read(11)idata if(idata(1).ne.-705)then call abort() endif read(11)idata if(idata(1).ne.-706)then call abort() endif read(11)idata if(idata(1).ne.-707)then call abort() endif close(11,status='delete') stop end
-- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=26499