------- Comment #9 from ifoox at redhat dot com  2006-03-01 16:11 -------
Hi David,

I tried to get classpath and try out applying the patch to test it out, but I
had some problems with it. I'll try again in a bit but I have some general
comments in the meanwhile.

It seems more appropriate to keep the headers in a Map than a List, especially
since getHeaderFields() has to return a map, and most opeartions are just a
simple getHeaderField(sometype). It seems that a LinkedHashMap (which Headers
extends) should be able to handle same-name headers, because it will just chain
them together. In theory :)

If this doesn't work out, it might be possible to store it in a Map in a
structure like: String -> [String, String, ...] where [] is a List. So we would
always have a String to List mapping and the List may contain 1 or more values
for that header.

Does that make any sense? :)



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