------- Comment #2 from dorit at il dot ibm dot com  2006-02-19 15:34 -------
The problem is that during dce the call to is_hidden_global_store returns false
cause the tag is not marked as global/static.

This seems to fix it:

Index: tree-ssa-alias.c
*** tree-ssa-alias.c    (revision 110911)
--- tree-ssa-alias.c    (working copy)
*************** new_type_alias (tree ptr, tree var)
*** 2638,2643 ****
--- 2638,2651 ----
            add_may_alias (tag, al);
+   /* CHECKME:
+   DECL_CONTEXT (tag) = DECL_CONTEXT (var);
+   TREE_PUBLIC  (tag) = TREE_PUBLIC (var);
+   */
+   MTAG_GLOBAL (tag) = DECL_EXTERNAL (var);
+   TREE_STATIC (tag) = TREE_STATIC (var);

but I don't know if it's the right thing to do in the general case.


dorit at il dot ibm dot com changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |dorit at il dot ibm dot com,
                   |                            |victork at il dot ibm dot
                   |                            |com


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