------- Comment #12 from steven at gcc dot gnu dot org  2006-02-11 11:22 -------
This is a meta-bug, which should never have a target milestone or a regression
marker.  A meta-bug is just a bug-bundler. The individual bugs can be
regressions but a meta-bug can't.  So, removing the regression marker.

BTW. note that only one of the remaining bugs hung from this meta-bug is still
a regression.


steven at gcc dot gnu dot org changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|[4.1/4.2 Regression] [meta- |[meta-bug] code size
                   |bug] code size regression   |regression from 4.0 on x86
                   |from 4.0 on x86             |
   Target Milestone|4.1.0                       |---


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