------- Comment #16 from malitzke at metronets dot com 2006-01-08 10:41 ------- Well I am very glad you people are offended. Imaging how you would feel I some one had called your work a piece of excrement. Excrement (with some minor variation in spelling) comes from Latin and means vernacular M.... in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and S... in England, Germany, Sweden. At least per Webster excremental is the adjective pertaining to excrement. Pofessor Emerita C. Froese Fischer (Computer Science Vandebilt University) is the principal author of the MCHF Atomic Structure Package. Acoording to Google there are about 139 thousand citations and authorships to her credit. The MCHF package has about 1.5 megabytes of source code. I never met the lady as student, collaborator or otherwise. Calling her work even only by clearly erroneous association excrement is equivalent to calling GCC a piece of excrement. Happy sulking to you all!
Now to the coding and standards issues. I stand corrected by Mr Pinski as to the contains issue. I took the statements regarding CONTAINS (page 116)in Fortran 90 Programmning (TMR Ellis et all) literally as just pertaining for fortran modules to get the calling parameters properly to the compiler the way header files do in C. Only much later in the book is the nesting issue broached. However Mr Pinski also jumping a (in may reckoning) to a wrong conclusion in terming my submission the short citation (a fraction of one percent, allowable under my interprtration of Copyright) of Professor Frose Fischer work as being the equivalent the one containing the "excremental" adjective. The 105 label in my submission precedes the first executable statement while the pertinent label in the ealier submission (which never turned up when I searched for various combinations of GTO and fortran) clearly comes after the first executable statement. This makes that "excremental" case a clear violation of To Mr. Kargl I would counsel moderation is the the of the "Imperial" we and perhaps practice some more reading specifications. His interpretation of "is" and "shall be" in relation the clearly shows his lack of experience. Last, but not least, I do not even pretend to be compiler expert, even after having fairly good understanding of the "Dragon Book". At best I am just a tester, regardles of having hacked GCC code since the late 80's to get GCC to work on SCO's 386 Xenix. I got my start with plugboard punched card equipement and worked as real-time assembly programmer. Now, I am just trying (as a retiremnt hobby) to bring code like Professor Froese Fischer's to a wider audience before it is withdrawn from public access in disgust at being belittled. If in the process I can do some further good by testing forthcoming versions of GCC so much the better. Your reactions provide further amusement. As a result of submitting aboout 10 Gigabytes of source code to GCC I have other irons in the fire for the easily offended to get burned. -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=19292