------- Comment #7 from martin at mpa-garching dot mpg dot de  2005-12-28 11:36 
(In reply to comment #6)
> I have just submitted a patch for this, which I intend to commit tomorrow
> morning.

Great, thanks!

> Thank you for reporting the bug I hope that the inconvenience is outweighed by
> gfortran handling derived types correctly.

Absolutely! I'm not using gfortran for production at the moment, but run
regular tests with our local codes. I'm really looking forward to having a
free, standard-conforming, multi-platform and OpenMP-aware F95 compiler soon,
and gfortran is evolving very nicely :)

In your mail to gfortran you mentioned that you wanted to apply the fix to the
4.1-branch as well. Since the problem is not triggered there (I don't know
why), your patch is technically not a regression fix, so it might not be
appropriate there. Just a thought.



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