------- Comment #5 from gdr at integrable-solutions dot net 2005-12-21 17:28 ------- Subject: Re: [4.1/4.2 Regression] Overflow not handled in ptr arithmetic folding
"gdr at gcc dot gnu dot org" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: | ------- Comment #4 from gdr at gcc dot gnu dot org 2005-12-21 17:21 ------- | (In reply to comment #3) | > Invalid as of 6.5.6/8 | > | I don't think that paragraph explains why this is an | invalid PR. More to the point: We need to be more precise about our mapping for pointer type -> integer type integer type -> pointer type T* -> U* This issue should not be resolved in isolation, piece meal looking only at benchmark numbers. It is fine to precisely define the mappings to make the code undefined, or have defined semantics. Notice also that this relates to the practice (T*)(-1) which is wiedely used in C programs (including GCC!). Finally, we don't have a policy that the opener of a PR has "more rights to close it", nor should we. We should be closing PRs on technical grounds. -- Gaby -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=25512