------- Comment #6 from law at redhat dot com 2005-12-21 04:44 ------- Definitely a type problem. The Obj-C front-end is playing it too lose with types.
main (argc, argv) { char msg[100]; int status; const unsigned char D.1189; char * msg.0; # BLOCK 0 # PRED: ENTRY (fallthru) # msg_3 = V_MUST_DEF <msg_2>; msg = ""; msg.0_4 = &msg; /* Mis-matched types here */ # VUSE <msg_3>; D.1189_5 = *msg.0_4; /* And again here. */ return; # SUCC: EXIT } I *think* the right code is that msg.0 should have type const unsigned char *. In the assignment to msg.0_4 the RHS should be casted to const unsigned char * This is a front-end problem as far as I can tell. Jeff -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=25328