------- Comment #10 from steven at gcc dot gnu dot org  2005-10-27 17:31 -------
For the record, we're talking about:

   1                            .file   "t.c"
   2                            .text
   3                            .p2align 4,,15
   4                    .globl foo
   5                            .type   foo, @function
   6                    foo:
   7 0000 55                    pushl   %ebp
   8 0001 A1000000              movl    x, %eax
   8      00
   9 0006 89E5                  movl    %esp, %ebp
  10 0008 8B5508                movl    8(%ebp), %edx
  11 000b 394204                cmpl    %eax, 4(%edx)
  12 000e 7402                  je      .L4
  13 0010 5D                    popl    %ebp
  14 0011 C3                    ret
  15                            .p2align 4,,7
  16                    .L4:
  17 0012 5D                    popl    %ebp
  18 0013 E9FCFFFF              jmp     bar
  18      FF
  19                            .size   foo, .-foo
  20                            .comm   x,4,4
  21                            .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
  22                            .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 3.3.4 (pre 3.3.5 20040809)"


   1                            .file   "t.c"
   2                            .text
   3                            .p2align 4,,15
   4                    .globl foo
   5                            .type   foo, @function
   6                    foo:
   7 0000 55                    pushl   %ebp
   8 0001 89E5                  movl    %esp, %ebp
   9 0003 8B5508                movl    8(%ebp), %edx
  10 0006 8B4204                movl    4(%edx), %eax
  11 0009 3B050000              cmpl    x, %eax
  11      0000
  12 000f 7402                  je      .L6
  13 0011 5D                    popl    %ebp
  14 0012 C3                    ret
  15                            .p2align 4,,7
  16                    .L6:
  17 0013 5D                    popl    %ebp
  18 0014 E9FCFFFF              jmp     bar
  18      FF
  19                            .size   foo, .-foo
  20                            .comm   x,4,4
  21                            .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.0 20051026
  22                            .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits



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