I am using Altera provided Quartus II 4.0 tools. this tools also provide the arm-gnupro tool. which has arm-elf- cross-

We can't fix problems in compiler releases made by other people. gnupro is a Red Hat trademark. We only support FSF gcc releases here. You can try contacting the people you got the compiler release from, or you can try an FSF gcc release.

please! anyone suggest me the bug fix for this problem...
now i am pasting the error report which i got while building the kernel image.

This bug report is lacking info we normally need. Gcc version info. A testcase that can reproduce the bug. Etc. See
for info on how to report bugs. Also, bugs should be reported into our bugzilla bug database instead of emailed to this list.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support, http://www.specifix.com

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