------- Comment #52 from jvdelisle at gcc dot gnu dot org 2005-10-17 02:02 ------- I would like to propose that this bug be closed. This is about as good as it gets. We should set up some automatic regression testing on LAPACK from hence forth.
With -O1 -march=pentium4: csep.out: CST drivers: 1 out of 11664 tests failed to pass the threshold dgd.out: DXV drivers: 200 out of 5000 tests failed to pass the threshold sgd.out: SXV drivers: 37 out of 5000 tests failed to pass the threshold ssep.out: SST: 1 out of 4662 tests failed to pass the threshold ssep.out: SST drivers: 1 out of 14256 tests failed to pass the threshold zgd.out: ZXV drivers: 24 out of 5000 tests failed to pass the threshold -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=5900