------- Additional Comments From pinskia at gcc dot gnu dot org  2005-09-22 
21:39 -------
(In reply to comment #0)
> I'm not so sure what the standard says about line continuation inside C 
> comments
> but if the lines should be merged I would expect the following result:

The standard says nothing about C comments except that they are ignored.


           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |pinskia at gcc dot gnu dot
                   |                            |org
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |NEW
     Ever Confirmed|                            |1
   GCC host triplet|i386-redhat-linux           |
 GCC target triplet|i386-redhat-linux           |
   Last reconfirmed|0000-00-00 00:00:00         |2005-09-22 21:39:50
               date|                            |
            Summary|gcc -E -C processes "\"     |[3.4/4.0/4.1 Regression] gcc
                   |incorrectly inside C        |-E -C processes "\"
                   |comments                    |incorrectly inside C
                   |                            |comments
   Target Milestone|---                         |4.0.2


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