------- Additional Comments From adah at netstd dot com  2005-08-12 09:23 
(In reply to comment #95)
> | > | Herb Sutter's opinion (N1792) is a little different.  He thinks that
> | > | ADL should not work in the OP's example, because distance is simply
> | > | not an `interface' of std::vector (technically, instead of from
> | > | human eyes).  But it is also self-consistent.
> | > All those are assertions, little evidence.  Notice that what is
> | > considered an "interface" varies from one individual to another
> | > individual.  And we just don't have a definition for it, so you're
> | > still using your "human eyes" definition, i.e. projection of your own
> | > wishes. 
> | 
> | By `technical' I meant algorithmically recognizable.
> you still fail to provide such a definition for "interface".
> -- Gaby

Why should I?  Herb defined it in Exceptional C++, Item 32:

For a class X, all functions, including free functions, that both

* `mention' X
* are `supplied with' X

are logically part of X, because they form part of the interface of X.




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