On Jun 17, 2005, at 5:27 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jun 17, 2005, at 17:05:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

void *z = y; // -> z = 0xBAD0DAD5
z++;         // adding +0? adding +1? adding +4? abort this error?

Since this is a GNU extension, GCC defines as adding 1. See the documentation
where this is documented.
http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.0.0/gcc/Pointer-Arith.html#Pointer- Arith

In GNU C, addition and subtraction operations are supported on pointers to void and on pointers to functions. This is done by treating the size of a void or of a function as 1.

A consequence of this is that sizeof is also allowed on void and on function types, and returns 1.

The option -Wpointer-arith requests a warning if these extensions are used.

-- Pinski

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