------- Additional Comments From laurent at guerby dot net  2005-06-11 23:22 
Started failing again on 4.1.0 Fri Jun 10 20:07:24 UTC 2005 x86_64-linux. It's a
slightly different part of the test that fails but since this was never properly
analyzed, reopening.

,.,. CD10002 ACATS 2.5 05-06-11 23:31:28
---- CD10002 Check that operational items are allowed in some contexts
                where representation items are not.
   - CD10002 Check that the name of an incompletely defined type can be 
                used when specifying an operational item.
   - CD10002 Check that operational items can be specified for a
                descendant of a generic formal untagged type.
   * CD10002 Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Inst.Nt9.
   - CD10002 Check that operational items can be specified for a derived
                untagged type even if the parent type is a by-reference 
                type, or has user-defined primitive subprograms.
**** CD10002 FAILED ****************************.

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|RESOLVED                    |UNCONFIRMED
         Resolution|FIXED                       |


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