------- Additional Comments From jkanze at cheuvreux dot com  2005-05-03 08:56 
Subject: Re:  Lack of Posix compliant thread safety in std::basic_string

|> >I am sending this to the g++ bug list on the recommendation of
|> >Gabriel Dos Reis.  From what little I've read in the g++
|> >documentation, I'm not convinced that the authors of the g++
|> >library intend for it to be supported, although Posix would seem
|> >to require it.

|> Firstly, POSIX says nothing about C++ thus my confusion starts here.

The statement I quoted from the Posix standard is language
neutral.  A priori, it applies to all languages.

|> Secondly, it is clear that your bug report is hypothetical.  The
|> library maintainers do not typically deal in hypotheticals.

I guess it is really a question of whether you want quality or
not.  In general, all code is supposed incorrect until proven
otherwise -- in the case of threading issues, this is
particularly important, because of the random factors involved.

In this particular case, there is only a very, very small window
of time in which the error can occur.  I could add a lot of
extra code, which would only obfuscate the real problem, but
would increase the chances that the error occurs.  I could
probably, experimentally, add just the right amount so that the
error occurred more or less regularly (say one execution in
ten) on my machine.  Unless your machine had exactly the same
configuration (processor, clock speed, background processes,
etc.), the error would probably not trigger there.

|> >For the record, the statement in Posix is: "Applications shall
|> >ensure that access to any memory location by more than one
|> >thread of control (threads or processes) is restricted such that
|> >no thread of control can read or modify a memory location while
|> >another thread of control may be modifying it."  The obvious
|> >extension to C++ is that of replacing "memory location" with
|> >"object"; at the very least, of course, one can only require
|> >something of "memory locations" which the user sees, directly or
|> >indirectly.

|> OK.

|> >The statement in the libstdc++-v3 FAQ (question
|> >5.6) is: "All library objects are safe to use in a multithreaded
|> >program as long as each thread carefully locks out access by any
|> >other thread while it uses any object visible to another thread,
|> >i.e., treat library objects like any other shared resource. In
|> >general, this requirement includes both read and write access to
|> >objects; unless otherwise documented as safe, do not assume that
|> >two threads may access a shared standard library object at the
|> >same time."

|> OK, I seem to recall editing that statement at one point...

|> >A considerably weaker guarantee than what one
|> >normally expects under Posix.  (Note that the clause "like any
|> >other shared resource" is simply false for those of us used to
|> >the Posix model.  If I replace std::string with char[] in my
|> >code below, the behavior is perfectly defined under Posix.)

|> No, confusion.  We are guaranteeing that if you lock the visible
|> accesses to global or otherwise shared objects, that no POSIX
|> threading rule will be violated within our own library code.

Well, there's certainly some confusion, because Posix says one
thing, and your documentation says another.  When you say "treat
library objects like any other shared resources', you are
contradicting yourself for a system using the Posix model.

In the case of string, of course, the obvious "other' system
resource to compare it with is char[].  If you replace
std::string with char[], in my example program, the code is well
defined and guaranteed to work under Posix.

|> We are
|> saying that we guarantee that any internal shared objects (which may
|> not be visible to the user, thus not lockable by the user) will be
|> correctly handled per POSIX threading rules.

I know what you are guaranteeing (in the statement above).  It's
because of this statement (or a similar one elsewhere in the
documentation) that I hadn't sent in a bug report, but that I
did take the bother of warning people in various news groups
that in g++, std::string did not behave as one would normally
expect.  You can use it, but you have to take additional
precautions that Posix says shouldn't be necessary, and that
experienced Posix users don't expect to need.

An implementation, of course, is free to decide what it wants to
guarantee, and what it doesn't.  If it is decided, however, that
the Posix guarantees do not extend to the library, then it is
important to document this fact; i.e. to indicate somewhere that
it cannot be missed that configuring the compiler to support
pthreads does NOT mean what it seems to mean.

James Kanze

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