> Hello.
> I dont know if I am to write here, but I think I found a bug that I know 
> is not related to my hardware or my system. Problem is that I don't know 
> how to report it or if it allready been reported(Kind of hard to search 
> for a bug when you dont know how to describe it.).
> Backstory : I am a bit of a newbie on C++ and  was doing a 
> schoolassigment where I was to make a dynamic array. I didn't do it 
> right but the code compile(and work on gentoo, didn't work on windowsXP) 
> anyway.
> Instead of using new and delete[] when making the array, I wrote a code 
> that was something like this :
> {
> int b;
> char a[b];
>        cout << "bla bla bla";
>    cin.getline(a,b);
> }
This is a GNU extension which is now the bases for the VLAs in C99.

-- Pinski

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