------- Additional Comments From sebor at roguewave dot com  2005-04-19 15:39 
I discussed this with Mike Miller of EDG. His response to my query on the issue
(copied with his permission) is below.

Mike Miller wrote:
> There were a couple of different examples in that thread, 
> so just to avoid confusion, here's the one I'll refer to:
>     struct A {
>       int foo_;
>     };
>     template <typename T> struct B: public A { };
>     template <typename T> struct C: B<T> {
>       int foo() {
>         return A::foo_;  // #1
>       }
>     };
> The question is how the reference on line #1 is treated. Wolfgang's 
> analysis isn't quite right.  While it's true that "A" is non-dependent 
> and thus is bound to ::A at template definition time, that is 
> irrelevant.  When C<int>::foo() (for instance) is instantiated, it turns 
> out that the reference to ::A::foo_ is, in fact, a non-static member of 
> a base class (9.3.1p3), so the reference is transformed into 
> (*this).::A::foo_ and there is no error.  This is not a violation of 
> 14.6.2p3 -- there's no lookup in a dependent base class involved, as 
> Wolfgang's comments assume, and the description "the access is assumed 
> to be from the outside, not within the class hierarchy through this->" 
> doesn't accurately describe how 9.3.1p3 works.
> In fact, though, this just sort of happens to work because A is both 
> visible in the definition context and a base class of the instantiated 
> template.  If you add an explicit specialization
>     template<> struct B<int> { };
> as suggested in Andrew's comment, so A is not a base class, or if you 
> change the program so that A is not visible in the definition context 
> (by making it a member of a namespace, for instance), we do report an 
> error in the instantiated C<int>::foo().  (There's no requirement to 
> report errors in uninstantiated templates, of course, contrary to 
> Andrew's observation.)
> This is sort of contrary to the "spirit" of two-stage lookup, though -- 
> Wolfgang's expectation is not unreasonable, I think, even though the 
> details of his reasoning are incorrect.  I'm probably going to open a 
> core issue on this, especially in light of the differences between 
> implementations.



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