------- Additional Comments From amylaar at gcc dot gnu dot org  2005-04-12 
18:03 -------
(In reply to comment #4)
> This is pretty clearly stated in the original bug description:
> > This metabug is used to track all the patches which have been 
> > written during Stage 3 of GCC 4.0 but do not qualify for that
> > stage, and are waiting for Stage 1 of GCC 4.1 to be applied.
> Would you mind removing from this bug all those bugs which do not fit this 
> description (opened after 4.0 branched)? Thanks.

These are two different things.  I kept with the original description of the
bug, I.e. adding bugs for which patches have been written during gcc 4.0
or earlier.  Some already already had a bug submitted to bugzilla, so I only
had to create the link for the bug; others had been posted separately to
gcc-patches, but didn't have a bugzilla bug to track them, for these I have
added the bugzilla bug.  Some of these were posted, but the archive was damaged
so the patches can only be found in the google cache, so that needed reposting
And then there is a third class where the patches have previously be only
posted in bulk.  I would have worked on them in 4.0 stage three, if it hadn't
been for the absolute code freeze.  If you can't even get regression bugfixes
accepted, there is no point posting any more.

All categories patches might need some tweaks to work in 4.1, this is why I
write some new code even for patches that are several years old.



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