------- Additional Comments From fxcoudert at gcc dot gnu dot org 2005-03-22 22:17 ------- List of unimplemented g77 intrinsics is now reduced to:
Access, fcn, Check file accessibility. Alarm, fcn, Execute a routine after a given delay. And, fcn, Boolean AND. ChMod, sub, Change file modes. Complex, fcn, Build complex value from real and imaginary parts. CTime, sub and fcn, Convert time to Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy. FDate, sub and fcn, Get current time as Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy. FGet, sub, Read a character from unit 5 stream-wise. FGetC, sub, Read a character stream-wise. FPut, sub, Write a character to unit 6 stream-wise. FPutC, sub, Write a character stream-wise. FSeek, fcn, Position file (low-level). FTell, sub and fcn, Get file position (low-level). GMTime, fcn, Convert time to GMT time info. IDate, sub, Get local time info. ImagPart, fcn, Extract imaginary part of complex. Int2, fcn, Convert to `INTEGER(KIND=6)' value truncated to whole number. Int8, fcn, Convert to `INTEGER(KIND=2)' value truncated to whole number. IsaTty, fcn, Is unit connected to a terminal? ITime, sub, Get local time of day. Loc, fcn, Address of entity in core. Long, fcn, Conversion to `INTEGER(KIND=1)' (archaic). LShift, fcn, Left-shift bits LStat, sub and fcn, Get file information. LTime, sub, Convert time to local time info. MClock, fcn, Get number of clock ticks for process. MClock8, fcn, Get number of clock ticks for process. Not, fcn, Boolean NOT. Or, fcn, Boolean OR. RShift, fcn, Right-shift bits. Short, fcn, Convert to `INTEGER(KIND=6)' value truncated to whole number. Signal, sub, Muck with signal handling. TtyNam, sub and fcn, Get name of terminal device for unit. XOr, fcn, Boolean XOR. -- What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC|coudert at clipper dot ens |fxcoudert at gcc dot gnu dot |dot fr |org http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=19292