
when starting FvwmIconBox with fvwm and then starting xterm, output to the
xterm window does not work, i. e. the window is blank until resized or
when the workspace is switched.

When (re-)starting fvwm without the FvwmIconBox module, xterm works
fine.  Please see [1] for a more detailed reference.

The FvwmIconBox is configured as follows:

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIconBox: *
# Note that icons are shown in the module
#    ONLY if NoIcon commnand is applied.
Style     "*"  NoIcon
*FvwmIconBox: IconifiedTitleInvertedRelief
*FvwmIconBox: IconifiedTitleRelief 4
*FvwmIconBox: UseSkipList
*FvwmIconBox: IconBack    black
*FvwmIconBox: IconFore    darkgreen
*FvwmIconBox: IconHiFore  green
*FvwmIconBox: IconHiBack  black
*FvwmIconBox: Back        DarkSlateGray
*FvwmIconBox: Fore        green
*FvwmIconBox: Geometry    4x4+5+915
*FvwmIconBox: MaxIconSize 64x38
*FvwmIconBox: Font        "xft:Liberation:pixelsize=10:Medium"
*FvwmIconBox: SortIcons   IconName
*FvwmIconBox: Padding     4
*FvwmIconBox: Lines       4
*FvwmIconBox: SBWidth     11
*FvwmIconBox: Placement   Left Top
*FvwmIconBox: HideSC Horizontal
*FvwmIconBox: SetWMIconSize
*FvwmIconBox: HilightFocusWin
*FvwmIconBox: Mouse       1       Click           RaiseLower
*FvwmIconBox: Mouse       1       DoubleClick     Iconify
*FvwmIconBox: Mouse       2       Click           Iconify -1, Focus
*FvwmIconBox: Mouse       3       Click           Module FvwmIdent

Is there anything in there that breaks xterm?  Can someone verify this

[1]: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=875305

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "C-c C-c can do nothing useful at
this location")

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