On 04/25/2013 10:38 PM, Dan Espen wrote:
Ingo Wardinski <i...@gfz-potsdam.de> writes:
Dear all,
perhaps, this is a problem with a very simple solution.
I try to force applicitions to iconify without icons. So I set
Style "Thunderbird" NoIcon,!IconTitle
Style * NoIcon
this is working for xterm, but not for thunderbird, firefox emacs and
some others. Certainly, I'm overlooking something simple here any help
would be very much appreciated
I can't duplicate the problem.
The applications you mention provide their own icons which is
controlled by the IconOverride style.
(You can get xterm to generate it's own icon using the -ai option.)
I tried to duplicate the problem using IconOverride, couldn't do it
but you might still want to look at whether you use IconOverride.
What release of fvwm are you using?
I'm using 2.5.30. that's the version which comes with ubuntu 12.04
(lts). Are you saying I should set
Style * NoIcon, IconOverride
I also tried
Style ** EWMHMiniIconOverride, IconOverride
but strangely this is working for the first time I minimize the
application and the second time the application the icon appears again.