On 28 January 2013 09:32, Pierre Frenkiel <pierre.frenk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 26 Jan 2013, Thomas Adam wrote:
>> I get simply not updated it. Simple as that.
>    Not so simple! If it was just a problem of delayed update, how would
>    you explain that some recent posts are present, but not older ones?
>    May-be is it related to the fact that on some posts, the list is only in
> Cc?

Perhaps I wasn't clear.  I do not know, nor particularly care to find
out the historical reasons why there's two mail addresses or aliases
or lists or however they're implemented behind the scenes.

What I care about is making users find the mail they're looking for if
this is a real problem.

When I say "website", I'm referring to fvwm.org -- and not the content
of external mail archivers.  That we advertise them at all on fvwm.org
is good -- what I'm saying is I have not updated fvwm.org to point to
the @fvwm.org addresses as *well*.

>> Note that it's easier to use the gmane interface since that aggregates the
>> two from what I can tell.
>   now the more confuse than I thought: not 2 archives, but 3, the last one
> being
>   an aggregate of the other 2!

No.  There is still only two; it's the interface you use to search
them (gmame) which matters.

>   Anyway, that doesn't explain what is the purpose of these 2 archives, none
> of them
>   being complete ( I thought that the 2nd one was complete, but  I
> discovered that
>   at least 1 post was not listed, the FOSDEM Call for Talks )

Maybe your post was never sent to the list.  Did you consider that?

Anyhow, this is all very drull, and I'll update the website to make
things clearer about mail archiving.

For any other mail concern you might have, please contact the list owner.

-- Thomas Adam

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