> > 
> > the menu is created with a debian menu-methods and the output is the 
> > /etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook by default on the debian package (I just 
> > checked this myself).
> > 
> > 'Read /etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook' will just read the debian menu but not 
> > add it to your root menu. So that file only contains the info generated by 
> > the debian 'menu' package.
> > 
> > you should less that file, but the menu name is /Debian and you can get the 
> > menu by doing 'popup /Debian' and there is the menu. You can add that to 
> > your root menu to get access to the menu from there.
> > 
> > Note you will have to 'Read /etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook' each time you 
> > add/remove packages to change the menu you will need to reread that file to 
> > get the updated menu. But this method ensures that you only add the menu to 
> > your current config and not all fo the other stuff from the default debian 
> > config file.
> > 
> I can give it a try during the next 6 months. 'popup /Debian' could be
> an approach that I should indeed pursue. As usual, I will report
> about my progress when it is time. What do you mean with
> "you should less that file"? Using the "less" command to do
> something with that file? And if so, what?

I mean take a look at what is inside the file. You will see it is nothing more 
than Menu Definitions for fvwm and the main thing is it tells you the Menu 
Names so you can refence them in your own config.

As I said all you need to do to get the debian menu is

1) Read /etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook

That will pull in all the menu defintions, then you need to configure your 
config to put the menu where you want it

once you decide where you want it (submenu, key binding, etc) you can then open 
the menu with 

2) 'Popup /Debian' or 'Menu /Debian'

That is all you need to do to get access to the debian menu. You can use 
FvwmConsole to play with things, but just add it as a submenu to your root menu 
in your config file and you have the menu.


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