============================================= 2FA & macOS Disk Encryption Bypass in Abine Blur 7.24*
============================================= Topic: Abine Blur Password Manager Insecure Permissions * Announced: 2019-03-18 * Credits: RS Tyler Schroder * Affects: 7.8.242* * Corrected: 2018-03-18 * Corrected V: 8.0.2478 * CVE Name: CVE-2019-6481 I. Background Abine Blur is a privacy-focused suite of products focused on protecting your privacy online. They accomplish this via multiple means including: * Credit card masking (disposable credit card #s) * Email masking (disposable emails) * Cell phone masking (sms/voice capable) * Password management This suite is delivered via a web application (https://dnt.abine.com) and a pair of browser extensions / mobile apps (iOS, Android). II. Problem Description The Password Manager Extension in Abine Blur 7.8.243* allows attackers to bypass the Multi-Factor Authentication and macOS disk-encryption protection mechanisms, and consequently exfiltrate secured data, because the right-click context menu is not secured. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of a CVE-2018-7213 regression. Abine Blur 7.8.242* failed to secure the right-click context menu, allowing an attacker with either physical access or remote-desktop access to disclose passwords, emails, and usernames of the victim *without* triggering a second-factor request. Additional details are online w/ POC @ https://redcoded.com/cve/2019/03/18/CVE.html?utm_source=fulldisc&utm_medium= email III. Impact Access to secured data can lead to secure information exfiltration, a 2FA bypass, and a further undisclosed MacOS(x) disk encryption console bypass (to access secured Abine Blur data). IV. Solution Update your browser plug-in per your browser vendor's instructions. Firefox 6x and Chrome 63.x may automatically update to the latest version. The Vendor has corrected the issue in version 8.0.2478 of the plugin. V. Timeline of Events * 2019-01-13: Discovery of Vulnerability * 2019-01-14: Vendor Contacted & Response, Requests time to fix * 2019-01-14: MITRE Contacted for CVE * 2019-01-16: MITRE Confirms & Issues CVE (CVE-2019-6481) * 2019-02-11: Vendor Contacted with request for update * 2019-02-14: Vendor Response, reports fix is in processing/review with browser stores, 2wks needed * 2019-03-14: Vendor Issues 8.0.2478 for Chrome * 2019-03-18: Vendor starts Mozilla / Opera approval process, OK's Public Disclosure. Respectfully, R. S. Tyler Schroder Redcoded.com Cyber Operations Division redor...@redcoded.com <mailto:redor...@redcoded.com>
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
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