The whole HZV team wishes you a happy new year ! 

Hello everyone,

For the first edition, leHACK will be held at la Cité des Sciences et de 
l'Industire, in Paris, on July 6 & 7 2019.

Since our community and the team enjoyed the site from the last year, it wasn't 
hard to pick a location, which hosted
la Nuit du Hack last year.

This year again will be at your disposal : a 3 level mezzanine, a 900 seats 
amphitheater, 2000m2 area decated to exposure, the loft : a 1000m2 area devoted 
to challenges, plus extra spaces to host workshops and surprises !

Even tho we have a bunch of surprises for you, this leHACK edition will still 
be the place to be for conferences, workshops and a lot of challenges !

Upcoming dates : 
- CFP Deadline : April 8 2019
- Conferences announcement : May 1 2019
- leHACK \o/ : July 6 2019

The HZV team


0x1 CFP
0x2 Organizers
0x3 Sponsors

0x1 CFP

LeHACK is a new and old event at the same time, 
some kind of Schrödinger's event we may say.

LeHACK is new because it's its first edition but the people behind it
being the same that organized the 'Nuit du Hack' event during more than
fifteen years.

The name changes, our values stay the same !

LeHACK 2019 is a yearly rendezvous where hackers and afficionados are 
meeting around with both technical and non-technical talks and workshops 
about hacking.
It is a great place to discover, to learn, to teach and be taught in the 
magical city of Paris.

LeHACK 2019 will be held in La Cite des Sciences, Paris (France) on the  
6th and 7th of July 2019.

Le Topics 

We are interested in various topics, including but not limited to:

   - Biohacking                                                              
   - Education and related tools to teach kids coding and hacking            
   - Hardware and software reverse-engineering                               
   - Vulnerability research and exploitation                                 
   - Wireless communication protocols                                        
   - Internet of Things                                                      
   - Autonomous vehicles                                                     
   - Surveillance and counter-surveillance techniques                        
   - Cryptography                                                            
   - Electronics                                                             
   - Industrial Control Systems                                              
   - Voting machines hacking                                                 
   - Lockpicking and smartlockpicking techniques                             

Le Type of submission
   As previous years, you may submit:                                        
   - A talk                                                                  
   - A workshop                                                              
   We provide 45-minute talk slots only, questions included. Your talk may   
   be in English or French, but slides must be in English (no matter what).  
    If you plan to submit a talk, please provide us with at least the         
    following information:                                                    
    - Talk title and detailed outline                                         
    - Talk language (either English or French)                                
    - Speaker name/handle and associated bio                                  
    - Your Twitter/ account if any                                            
    - Do you plan to demo a tool/exploit/technique ?                          
    - Do you plan to release a tool/exploit ?                                 
    - Do you plan to play sound/music ?                                       
    If you plan to submit a workshop, please provide us with at least the     
    following information:                                                    
    - Workshop title                                                          
    - Workshop duration                                                       
    - Workshop language (either English or French)                            
    - Presenter name/handle and bio                                           
    - Your Twitter/Mastodon account if any                                    
    - Do you need a projector ? What cable types do you support (HDMI/VGA) ?  
    - Do you need Internet access ?                                           
    - Do you need one or multiple outlets ?                                 
    Please make sure your submission contain all the required information   
    or it will be rejected.                                                 

How to submit
   Submissions must be registered before the 8th of April 2019,
   on our dedicated online platform:                    
   > <                        

La Accomodation
  We may cover some of your trip and hotel expenses if possible, so tell us  
  where you live and how you plan to come here in Paris and we will see      
  how to take in charge part or all of your travel expenses.                 
Le Point de Contact
  If you have any question or inquiry, please contact
  communication[at]hzv[dot]fr or @asso_hzv on Twitter

La Timeline
  - 10/29/19: CFP published                                                  
  - 04/08/19: CFP close                                                      
  - 04/15/19: Acceptance/rejection notification                              
  - 05/01/19: Accepted talks and workshops announcement                      
  - 07/06/19: LeHACK event \o/                                               

0x3 Organizers

leHACK is organized by HZV, a more than 15 years old association dedicated to 
demystification by education and share of knowledge.

leHACK :
Twitter :
Facebook :

0x4 Sponsors

We couldn't organize leHACK without the support from our sponsors, if you're 
interested in
sponsoring leHACK, contact us at ! 

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